"Acknowledgement Form" Works Cited
All found text was derived from the following news articles and legal documents: Morrissey, Kate. “65 More Medically Vulnerable ICE Detainees Released from Otay Mesa Detention Center after Judge’s Order.” San Diego Union-Tribune, 9 May 2020, dically-vulnerable-ice-detainees-released-from-otay-mesa-detention-center-after-judges-order. ---. “Detainees at Otay Mesa Detention Center Were Offered Masks, but Only If They Signed Contracts.” San Diego Union-Tribune, 10 Apr. 2020, etention-center-gets-masks-but-asks-detainees-to-sign-contract-first. Pueblo Sin Fronteras: Otay Detention Center Emergency. 10 Apr. 2020, Rivlin-Nadler, Max. “First Death Of Detainee In An ICE Detention Center From COVID-19.” NPR.Org, 7 May 2020, h-of-detainee-in-an-ice-detention-center-from-covid-19. Rivlin-Nadler, Max. “Otay Mesa COVID-19 Outbreak Now The Largest At A US Immigration Detention Center.” KPBS Public Media, 14 Apr. 2020, ation/. Sifuentes, Edward. “ACLU Sues for Drastic Reduction in Population of Overcrowded Otay Mesa, Imperial Detention Centers.” ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties, 21 Apr. 2020, d-otay-mesa-imperial-detention-centers/. Srikrishnan, Maya. “Two Migrants Held for Months Say ICE Is Ignoring Evidence They’re Minors.” Voice of San Diego, 23 Apr. 2019, e-is-ignoring-evidence-they-theyre-minors/. “Zelaya V. Archambeault - Complaint and Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus.” American Civil Liberties Union, 13 Apr. 2020, abeas-corpus. |
To kaleidoscope is to disarray all possible hues from black cherry to bombastic, to twerk for & against smoke & mirrors, to surf a rainbow banderita to another love TKO.
/// Melisa S.L. Casumbal-Salazar (siya/she/they) abandoned the Politics professoriate for the Writing MFA at UCSD. Her research on Philippine indigeneity has been supported by the Fulbright Foundation and published by Amerasia Journal. Her fabulist novella, Our Beloved, won Sunspot Literary Journal’s 2020 Inception contest. Casumbal-Salazar was born and raised in the traditional territories of the Pamunkey, Powhatan, and Piscataway (Washington, D.C. area) by Tagalog migrants from Manila. She has been active in Filipinx and queer people of color arts and community organizing since the 1980s. Her writing thematizes everyday decoloniality, feminist vengeance, and the fluvial. She is at work on Archive of Misfeeling, a cross-genre memoir/ethnography of decolonial pinay collectivity. She is an Earth Rooster, Aquarian Sun, Virgo Moon, and Leo Rising. |